Welcome to PVSEC

Welcome to PVSEC

Prof. Makoto Konagai
The PVSEC was positioned as an international conference to be held in the Asia-Pacific region, in addition to the existing international conferences on solar power generation held separately in the USA (IEEE PVSC) and Europe (EU-PVSEC). The PVSEC has been held thirty-four times between 1984 and 2023.
The website for each PVSEC has always been managed by the organizing committee running the conference in the host country, and closed after the conference ended. This meant that people wishing to look back at the circumstances of past conferences were unable to access the data. We therefore took the decision to relaunch the entire PVSEC website, and as well as posting past records, we will publicize the schedule for future conferences on the website at the earliest opportunity.
The PVSEC must bring together a wide range of R&D professionals and experts from industry, academia, and public institutions, and through lively discussions, provide an excellent opportunity for participants to consider and devise ways of making academic progress in this field and creating new energy systems for society. We are especially hopeful that students and young researchers, who are the future of society, will actively participate in the PVSEC and contribute to relevant fields. We hope that this website will be useful to many researchers involved in photovoltaics.
What’s new
1 April, 2024 |
1 February, 2024 |
Call for papers of PVSEC-35 is open now!
21 September, 2023 |
[JJAP Special Issue on PVSEC-33] The JJAP Special Issue on PVSEC-33 (Nagoya, Nov. 13-17, 2022) was published in August, 2023. All the papers in the special issue are free to download for 1 year. |
23 May, 2023 |
WCPEC-IAC-endorsed event: 1st Middle East and North Africa Solar Conference (MENA-SC)Abstract Submission Deadline: April 30, 2023 Extended to June 1, 2023 |
2 July, 2018 |
[JJAP Special Issue on PVSEC-27] Online publishing of the JJAP Special Issue on the IOP website has been started. All the papers in the special issue will be free to download for 1 year. |
20 June, 2016 |
Call for abstract of the PVSEC-26 has been extended to 15th July 2016. |
23 July, 2015 |
All the previous conference reports of IEEE PVSC, EUPVSEC, and PVSEC have been uploaded by courtesy of Prof. Yamaguchi (Toyota Tech. Inst.). |
26 June, 2015 |
The report on the 42nd IEEE PVSC has been uploaded. |
23 June, 2015 |
The submission deadline of an abstract for PVSEC-25 has been extended to 6th July. |
16 June, 2015 |
[JJAP Special Issue on WCPEC-6]Online publishing of the JJAP Special Issue on the IOP website has been started. All the papers in the special issue will be free to download for 1 year from August, 2015. |
10 June, 2015 |
The link to PVSEC-26 (Singapore) was created. |
26 May, 2015 |
PVSEC HP has been launched. |